Thursday, July 1, 2010

2010 July Newsletter

Hello Ladies

If you are reading my July letter it means you are on our new newsletter site. It’s very nice. After months of research to determine how best to proceed the Board gave Terry Pulver, Newsletter Editor, the go ahead to move from the old web site to our new blog site. The blog site offers so many additional opportunities to share GSDP’s love of painting with you. One of the features that we responded to is the ability for you to communicate with us on the blog site. Plus there is a lot of additional information we think you will enjoy. Please change your bookmark for GSDP to reflect our new site. Thank you Terry for all of the hard work you put into making this change.

Members have not been beating my door down or the phone ringing off the hook with offers of handmade items for the November Golden Dollar Auction. Your project doesn’t have to been completed already. We just want to know you will participate.

Our seminar with David Jansen is postponed until a later date. His schedule is too full right now. He is working on a piece he thinks we’ll like but his schedule is too full right now for him to complete it prior to September.

Glenda Mitchell will teach her Fall Banner on September 25th as a regular Paint-In.

Don’t forget about the UGLY SWEATER contest in December.

It is already time to put together a ballot for the 2011 GSDP Board. Now is the time to step forward and volunteer for the position of your choice.

What the heck, I almost forgot that it’s time for a new clue about the Mystery Paint-In. Let’s see, how about some initials? Here you go, they are MFB. The response for the Mystery Paint-In is fantastic. It will be a lot of FUN.

Enjoy this beautiful weather.


2010 Seminars and Paint-ins
July 10th (Saturday): Juanita Denton: Peacock Eggs in Nest Bowl
August 14th (Saturday): ??? Mystery Paint-In ???
Sept 25th (Saturday): Glenda Mitchell: Leaf Man Banner
October 9th (Saturday): CarolAnn Smith/Tirzah Probasco: Denim Fabric Painting
November 20th (Saturday): June Skollingsberg: Russian Floral (Golden Dollar Auction)
December 11th (Saturday): Christmas Party (Ugly Sweater Contest)

Peacock Egg With Nest
Teacher: Juanita Denton, CDA
Cost: $7.50 (class fee only)
$12.50 8" Bowl
Date: July 10th, 10:30 am - NOTE TIME CHANGE -(setup and chat time 10:00-10:30)

Palette: Jo Sonja
Brown Earth
Burnt Sienna
Diox Purple
Moss Green
Pale Gold
Pine Green
Medium Beige
Raw Sienna
Smoked Pearl
Storm Blue
Turners Yellow
Ultra Blue Deep
Warm White
Yellow Green

Prep Instructions:
Prep Instructions: Was wood with Warm White and Clear Glazing Medium (1:2). Sand lightly and put on pattern.

The Paint-in will be held at the Westwood Village Clubhouse (1111 N. 2000 W., Farr West, UT).Take I-15 #346 and go north on 2000 W/UT-126 0.6 of mile. The Clubhouse is on the west side of the street with parking on the west side of the building.

??? Mystery Paint-In???
Keep all day August 14th open
Cost $25 - includes class fee, surface, photos, instructions, paints, and lunch
Smaller than a breadbox but larger than a pin cushion
 Surface will be preped, patterned and ready to paint
Highly skilled 'Out-of-State' teacher
Teacher's initials MFBBackground color is black
Jo Sonja style project
Teacher is a female
The piece contains a lot of drybrushing
All you need to bring are your basic painting supplies and a wet palette

2011 Elections
It may seem a bit early, but elections for next year's officers will be held in October this year, so your Board is asking everyone to be thinking about serving on the nominating committee and/or serving as an officer for 2011. We will be electing members for the positions of President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. The Chapter also needs Chairpersons for Seminars/Paint-ins, Christmas Party, Memory/Treasure Boxes, Grants/Publicity and Web/Newsletter Editor. We encourage each of you to consider running and/or volunteering for an position next year. The Chapter needs everyone’s time and commitment to keep it alive and well so that we can continue to share Decorative Painting experiences.

Chapter Minutes
June 12th 2010 - Black and White Tulip by Donna Richards

1st Vice President - Glenda Mitchell             Eileen Barnard
2st Vice President - Nancy Coley                  Wendy Ouellette
Treasurer - Gloria Eldridge                            Judy Graham
Secretaty - Lydia Gossett                               Glenna Nielson
Web/Newsletter - Terry Pulver                       Donna Richards
Seminar/Paint-ins - Tirzah Probasco
Treasure Boxes - Helen Mahoney

Publicity - Mickey Hutchinson
Glenda called the meeting to order at 10:10 am. She thanked everyone for attending the class dispite the weather conditions. She remined us about the Peacock Egg bowl Paint-in in July and the August Mystery Paint-in. She then turned the time over to Donna Richards.
Lunch break raffle winners: Gloria - wood sleigh, Glenda - mystery bag (paints), Tirzah - clock, Helen - mystery bag (anglel and a container), Lydia - mystery bag and a tiki candle holder, Eileen - metal bucket, Terry - year's subscription to painting magazine, Judy - scented candle, and Glenda - paint brush.

Everyone enjoyed painting the Black and White Tulip. Class ended at 4:00 pm.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the blog. I love the look! You all rock.
    Looking forward to joining you all in August.
