Thursday, January 2, 2025

2025 January Newsletter

From the Office of the President

What will you choose to paint on your canvas in 2025?

The new year rings in with so many promises, resolutions and opportunities for a fresh start. We often begin the new year with what we will give up to reach our goals rather than reviewing our values, our paths and dreams. Just because you have managed adulthood, marriage, children, retirement and grandchildren doesn’t mean that you no longer have paths and dreams.

Did you know that when you phrase a goal in the negative, for example I will not eat cookies, the brain doesn’t see the negative aspect, but rather hears I will eat cookies and thus sends you into a craving spiral?

What if we focused on the things that bring value to us such as spending time with those we love and care about? What if we made sure to love ourselves more and take time for ourselves? What if we prioritized our values to live an authentic life? What if we were more kind to others? Assumed positive intent? What if we focused on ourselves rather than what others think or do?

Sounds like a recipe for a life worth living. Sounds like you could be one of the great painting masters and paint your life to be what inspired you and provided true happiness.

One of my goals is to have more time to paint the things that make me happy whether that is at home, with friends or with our amazing painting group. I am always amazed at the talent that we have in our small group and even more amazed when I look at something I’ve accomplished and hold a sense of pride that I learned something and that I was able to create art.

Recently Tracy Moreau complimented one of my projects and that was a great feeling, but the greater feeling was when I acknowledged and complimented myself.

Hopefully all of you are embracing the goal of more time to paint. The Board and I are creating another amazing paint lineup for everyone to learn and connect. January starts off with a Lise Lorentzen pattern and we will have several surprises along the way. We still have some open months; please let us know if you have an interest in teaching this year. Maybe you have a goal to improve public speaking. Teaching is a great way to master that skill.

My wish for each and every one of you is to have an amazing 2025 where we can take time to enjoy what makes us happy and to paint a beautiful master piece that creates abundance and joy.

Painting has begun,

LeeAnn Washatka, President

2025 Seminars and Paint-ins

January 25th (Satuday)               – LeeAnn Washatka - Calendar Cover
Due to a conflict with Westwood Village the original date of the18th is not available, we can meet on the 25th. Please rsvp by the 17th so we can secure that date.

February 15th (Saturday)            – Terry Pulver - Glass Painting and Etching
March 15th (Saturday)                 – Helen Mahoney - One Srtroke Painting
April19th (Saturday)                      Betty Roberts - Santa Spindle ----- Health permitting
May 15th-17th (Thu-Sat)             – Lois Mueller Seminar - Rosemaling Violin
August 16th (Saturday)               – Tirzah Probasco - Rosemaling Pumpkin
September 19th-20th (Fri- Sat)   – Rynna Polson Seminar - Ukrainian Art Eggs
December                                   – Christmas Party

If you have suggestions for projects for 2025, please let the Board know.

Chapter Dues

It's time to pay 2025 GSDP dues ($15). Checks can be made out to Golden Spike Decorative Painters and mailed to the GSDP care of Pat Reeder at 470 W 4900 S, Washington Terrace, UT 84405.

Christmas Raffles

This year at our Christmas Party we will again be having a special raffle. Scottie Foster has donated a lovely Bavarian Folk art painted tray to GSDP. Scottie's painted pieces are sought after by collectors and she has several pieces in the Smithsonian's collection of painted Christmas ornaments. In 2000 Scottie was voted one of the "10 Top Talents in 2000" by the readers of Decorative Artist's Workbook Magazine! This list of 10 all-time favorite artists "celebrates 10 of the many influential, inspiring and accomplished decorative painters in the field today." 

Tickets will be on sale from now until the drawing at the party. The cost is $1.00 per ticket. You do NOT have to be present to win.

Calendar Cover

Teacher:    LeeAnn Washatka
Cost:          $7.50 (class fee)
Surface:     Calendar Cover or surface of your choice (LeeAnn has additional clendar covers if you want one)
Date:         January 25th 10:30 am

Palette: Jo Sonja Acrylics
Carbon Black
Prussian Blue
Pine Green
Red Earth
Storm Blue
Warm White

Lise Lorentzen mix of 1:1:1 of flow, retarder and glaze


Draw pattern on surface. We are using the calendar cover but you can choose your surface. Baste in the flowers with warm white due to the dark back ground.

The Paint-in will be held at the Westwood Village Clubhouse (1111 N. 2000 W., Farr West, UT).Take I-15 #346 and go north on 2000 W/UT-126 0.6 of mile. The Clubhouse is on the west side of the street with parking on the west side of the building.

Glass Painting and Etching 

Teacher:            Terry Pulver
Cost:                  $7.50 (class fee)
GSDP will provide some glass surfaces, but feel free to bring any glass surface you woud like.
Date:                  February 15th 10:30 am

Acrylic or glass paints in the colors you wish. Some glass paints and stains will be provided by GSDP. GSDP will also provide the etching  paste and some patterns. (see ideas to right). If you have a special design you would like to paint/etch onto your piece, bring it. Please bring plastic gloves and a towel to dry your pieceYou will also need masking tape, alcohol, and scissors.

Prep Instructions:
Wash and dry your surface then clean with alcohol to remove finger prints.

The Paint-in will be held at the Westwood Village Clubhouse (1111 N. 2000 W., Farr West, UT).Take I-15 #346 and go north on 2000 W/UT-126 0.6 of mile. The Clubhouse is on the west side of the street with parking on the west side of the building.


GSDP will be hosting the Lois Mueller Rosemaling Painted Violin Seminar May 15th - 17th
GSDP will not be provide the surface for this seminar.

You do not have to paint on an actural violin. If you wish to you paint on a violin, you will have to provide your own violin. You can contact Tirzah at 801-336-7900 for information on sources for violins.

You may paint on any surface you wish. We do have a source for a violin-shaped tray (see below). If you are interested you can contact Terry at 801-395-4287.

 GSDP 's mission is to educate the community on the traditions of decorative folk art painting and to preserve these cultural legacies for future generations. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive space to connect, create and inspire one another while fostering a vibrant community.

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